A silo fire doesn't have to ruin all stored silage

(PhysOrg.com) -- Sometimes, when harvest conditions are less than ideal, silage with lower-than-optimum moisture levels is put into a silo, potentially leading to excessive heating and a spontaneous-combustion fire.

How salty is Enceladus' ocean under the ice?

An icy satellite of Saturn, Enceladus, has been a subject of increasing interest in recent years since Cassini captured jets of water and other material being ejected out of the south pole of the moon. One particularly tantalizing ...

Flight behaviour of hungry malaria mosquitoes analysed

Malaria mosquitoes go to work cautiously before landing on human skin and biting. Just before a mosquito lands, it reacts to both odours and heat given off by the human body. Researchers at Wageningen University came to this ...

Energy-efficient green route to magnesium production

A research group led by Professor Yuji Wada and Adjunct Professor Satoshi Fujii of the Tokyo Institute of Technology has devised a magnesium smelting method that uses nearly 70 percent less energy than conventional methods ...

Waste heat likely to boost energy efficient production

Europe has a leading position in technologies for clean manufacturing, but significant efforts are needed to lower investment costs and encourage factory managers to adopt energy-efficient innovations.

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