Where do crows go in winter?

"Partial migration"—where some individuals within a population migrate and some don't—is common among birds and is speculated to be a step on the evolutionary path to complete, long-distance migration, but scientists ...

Climate change seen as cause for mudslide in Switzerland

The effects of climate change are partially to blame for a mudslide through a southeastern village that left eight people missing after a massive chunk of rock broke off an Alpine mountainside, Switzerland's environmental ...

How cities create their own clouds

Cities are more likely to be persistently covered by clouds than rural areas thanks to unique atmospheric conditions they produce, a new study has shown.

Sydney's urban areas to be hit hardest by global warming

Green spaces, trees and bodies of water are must-have design features for future development in Sydney's suburbs after researchers found that by 2050 global warming combined with Sydney's urban heat island effect could increase ...

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