Hidden benefits of electric vehicles revealed

Electric vehicles are cool, research shows. Literally. A study in this week's Scientific Reports by researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) and in China add more fuel to the already hot debate about whether electric ...

Would you like greens with that?

What if the greens you need for tonight's dinner were grown on the roof of the office where you work? From a cook's perspective this is a dream – fresh produce and no time wasted on shopping. And the advantages of urban ...

Researcher reports on urban "heat islands"

With longer and hotter heat waves in the offing, a Harvard professor has put the urban "heat island" under the microscope, finding smaller heat islands—mainly occupied by the poor—within city limits, and identifying features ...

Arnhem plants the world's first 'urban climate tree'

Arnhem has planted the world's first ever stadsklimaatboom ('urban climate tree') in the Sonsbeekkwartier. This district is experiencing serious heat problems, which are known as the 'urban heat island effect'. The tree will ...

London heat boost underestimated

London's urban heat island effect, which keeps night-time temperatures in the capital warmer than in surrounding rural areas, may have been underestimated by up to 45 per cent.

Urban heat—not a myth, and worst where it's wet

A new Yale-led study quantifies for the first time the primary causes of the "urban heat island" (UHI) effect, a common phenomenon that makes the world's urban areas significantly warmer than the surrounding countryside and ...

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