Heat waves hit heat islands hardest

Extreme summers like that of 2012—which saw record temperatures in cities across the U.S.—may be atypical, but experts say they will return, especially as the planet warms under climate change. And as they do, cities ...

Should we all escape to the country during a heatwave?

A University of Birmingham research project has highlighted the potential health impacts of heatwaves in urbanised areas. By modelling the 2003 heatwave the researchers were able to identify areas where city centres were ...

Bright facades and trees against heat and smog

Cities represent "heat islands" within their surroundings, which are characterized by many heat sources and small air flows. In southern Europe, bright buildings produce relief and provide for a cooler urban climate. Simulation ...

Deathly effect of heatwaves ignored

Heat is an emerging problem in Sydney, but despite having its strongest effects on the poor, the elderly, the disabled and the very young, most community services don't formally cater for the impact of heatwaves on vulnerable ...

New 'cool roof time machine' will accelerate cool roof deployment

Cool roofs can help keep buildings cool, thus lowering the building's energy use, while also mitigating the urban heat island effect by reflecting sunlight away from buildings and cities. But as cool roofs age and get soiled, ...

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