New mobile can check pulse, send ambulance

A new phone developed in Singapore takes your pulse when you press your fingers on a receptor, and sends the results to a 24-hour medical call centre.

Detecting whether a heart attack has occurred

During about 30 percent of all heart attacks, the patient experiences no symptoms. However, unmistakable signs of the attack remain in the bloodstream for days. MIT researchers, working with Massachusetts General Hospital’s ...

Scientists convert skin cells to beating heart cells

Scripps Research Institute scientists have converted adult skin cells directly into beating heart cells efficiently without having to first go through the laborious process of generating embryonic-like stem cells. The powerful ...

Fuzzy thinking could spot heart disease risk

A new approach to evaluating a person's risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, or heart failure is reported this month in the International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management. The technique ...

'Superbowl' kicks off drug delivery revolution

Scientists from Australian National University have developed a 'Superbowl' drug delivery system that promises more accurate doses of drugs with fewer side effects.

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