Food scientists create healthier, diabetic-friendly bread

A team of food scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has successfully formulated a recipe for making healthier bread by adding a natural plant pigment, called anthocyanin, extracted from black rice. This ...

Fluorescent probes for rapid detection of formaldehyde in food

In recent years, formaldehyde has been discovered to be illegally used in food processing for bleaching and preservation purposes, arousing health concerns by the general public. PolyU's highly selective formaldehyde rapid ...

Pioneering crops for future generations

By 2050, the global population is expected to increase to 9.6 billion people. The world will need more nutritious, affordable, and environmentally sustainable food—exactly what the EU funded project PROTEIN2FOOD has committed ...

Healthful hemp poised to grow in US

The U.S. hemp industry has suffered from an association problem. Antidrug officials say distinguishing the plant from its psychoactive cousin, marijuana, is too difficult, so growing it has largely been banned. But the tide ...

Carob kibble—a sweet and healthy natural ingredient

Healthier diets usually mean eliminating sweets, but now there's a way consumers can essentially have their cake and eat it too—while also getting nutrient benefits. The ingredient is called carob kibble which comes from ...

Organic is not always the best choice for you or the planet

Eating organically grown food might make you feel good inside, but a University of Queensland researcher says organic agriculture is not necessarily sustainable and— contrary to popular belief—often relies on chemical ...

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