Governments target medical debt with COVID relief funds

Millions of Americans mired in medical debt face difficult financial decisions every day—pay the debt or pay for rent, utilities and groceries. Some may even skip necessary health care for fear of sinking deeper into debt.

New measurement suggests US undercounts people in poverty

The United States has likely been underestimating the number of people in poverty, according to a new household spending-based measurement developed by Johns Hopkins University and Bowdoin University economists. They found ...

COVID-19 is hitting tipped workers hard

Even prior to COVID-19, tipped workers suffered from the inadequacies of the United States' social safety net and minimum wage standards.

Experts measure the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Between March 21 and 28, as the country enacted quarantine measures, the United States experienced a 3,000% jump in joblessness claims. By the end of March, a stock market drop had wiped out all gains from the previous three ...

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