Paris climate conference to start a day early: UN

A crunch climate conference will start in Paris a day earlier than planned, with negotiators gathering on Sunday already to start thrashing out a pact, the UN's climate forum said Wednesday.

Geologists help NASA plan for human exploration of Mars

This week, NASA is assembling scientists from across the country in Houston to start thinking about locations on Mars that would be good candidates for human exploration. Among those gathering for the Landing Sites/Exploration ...

BrainShield to enhance football helmet effectiveness

Researchers at Simon Fraser University's Surrey campus have developed an impact-diverting decal that, when affixed to a helmet, can significantly reduce the sharp twisting and compression of the brain that occurs during most ...

Frequent school moves hurt low-income childrens' math scores

Low-income students who change schools frequently are at risk for lower math scores and have a harder time managing their behavior and attention in the classroom than similar students who stay in the same school, according ...

Gene splicing in lice and the challenge of clothing

A terrific article recently published in Molecular Biology and Evolution, "Alternative Splice in Alternative Lice," provides a compelling example of maximizing genome information – adaptation of the louse Pediculus humanus ...

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