E3 interrupted after attendee injured on escalator

The revelry at the Electronic Entertainment Expo temporarily paused Wednesday afternoon after an unidentified man suffered a seizure and fell down an escalator at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

New veterinary research helps distinguish accidents from abuse

A veterinarian sees a canine patient with severe rib and head injuries whose cause of injury is unknown. Without having witnessed the incident, how can the veterinary professional distinguish an accident from abuse?

Cycling helmets with optimum ventilation

Any cyclist who wears a helmet knows the feeling: heat builds up under your helmet and the sweat starts to flow, especially in summer. As a result, many cyclists will take a risk and not even wear a helmet. A research team ...

Hard whale heads sink ships—or can they?

The idea that a sperm whale can use its massive head as a battering ram to sink ships has been hotly debated at least since Moby Dick was published in 1851.

New liquid crystals prevent automobile touch screens from freezing

In addition to appearing in nearly every consumer electronic device, liquid crystal displays have recently proliferated in automobiles too, in heads-up displays, instrument cluster displays, navigation systems and entertainment ...

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