Event horizons are tunable factories of quantum entanglement

Louisiana State University physicists have leveraged quantum information theory techniques to reveal a mechanism for amplifying, or "stimulating," the production of entanglement in the Hawking effect in a controlled manner. ...

Quantum circuit black hole lasers to explore Hawking radiation

The fundamental forces of physics govern the matter comprising the universe, yet exactly how these forces work together is still not fully understood. The existence of Hawking radiation—the particle emission from near black ...

Team rewires a behavioral circuit in a worm using hydra parts

For two people to communicate in a loud, crowded room, they need to be standing side by side. The same is often true for neurons in the brain. But the same way a cell phone allows two people to communicate clearly across ...

Woodland hawks flock to urban buffet

For the nearly 35 million Americans who faithfully stock their feeders to attract songbirds, an increasingly common sight is a hawk feeding on the birds being fed.

Hawking's final book offers brief answers to big questions

Stephen Hawking's final work, which tackles issues from the existence of God to the potential for time travel, was launched on Monday by his children, who helped complete the book after the British astrophysics giant's death.

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