Study fuels debate about why female birds seek extra mates

When female birds mate with males other than their social partners and have broods of mixed paternity, the offspring sired by these "extra-pair" fathers may often get a head start in life, according to a new report published ...

Bees that go 'Cuckoo' in others' nests

The biota of island archipelagos is of considerable interest to biologists. These isolated areas often act as 'evolutionary laboratories', spawning biological diversity rapidly and permitting many mechanisms to be observed ...

Scientists hope tiny insect can help save soybeans

(AP) -- An insect no bigger than a comma is being studied as a natural predator that farmers could use instead of chemicals to protect the nation's soybean crop from aphids.

Super first feed soon ready to serve

They can be stored for months and then hatch in seawater within 24 hours. Production of copepods, the ultimate live feed for Ballan wrasse and the fry of other marine fish species, can soon be industrialised.

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