Ancient geologic escape hatches mistaken for tube worms

Tubeworms have been around for millions of years and the fossil record is rich with their distinctive imprints. But a discovery made by U of C scientists found that what previous researchers had labeled as tubeworms in a ...

Birds find ways to avoid raising cuckoos' young

Some species of birds reproduce not by rearing their own young, but by handing that task on to adults of other species. Known as brood parasitism, this habit has been most thoroughly researched in the cuckoo. Previous research ...

Rare footage captured of tuatara hatching (w/ Video)

Extremely rare footage of a tuatara hatching has been filmed at Victoria University of Wellington. Last to hatch, the egg was one of 23 being incubated in captivity this year as part of a joint initiative that helped to save ...

Mars500 crew prepare to open the hatch

The 520 days of isolation for the Mars500 crew will end on 4 November, when the hatch of their ‘spacecraft’ is opened for the first time since June last year. Scientists eagerly await the final samples as the crew ...

Endangered leatherback turtles hatch in Ecuador

Nine leatherback turtles—the largest endangered marine turtle in the world—were hatched along the coast of Ecuador, the Ministry of Environment said Tuesday.

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