A forest 'glow' reveals awakening from hibernation

Winters in the northern hemisphere are brutal. The harsh conditions drive some species to hibernate; bears reduce their metabolic state to conserve energy until spring. Forests also endure winter by conserving energy; they ...

Cheaper, cleaner catalyst for burning methane created

As the world's accessible oil reserves dwindle, natural gas has become an increasing important energy source. The primary component of natural gas is methane, which has the advantage of releasing less carbon dioxide when ...

Mine study demonstrates how quickly bacteria can evolve

(Phys.org) -- Two Earth and environmental scientists from the University of California have found that by observing bacteria in situ in an abandoned mine in northern California, they have, as they describe in their paper ...

Bio-inspired coating resists liquids

After a rain, the cupped leaf of a pitcher plant becomes a virtually frictionless surface. Sweet-smelling and elegant, the carnivore attracts ants, spiders, and even little frogs. One by one, they slide to their doom.

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