How bacteria manipulate plants

Attack at the protein front: Xanthomonas bacteria causes disease in tomato and pepper plants and injects harmful proteins into plant cells. Researchers from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the University ...

One fin in the grave: Necrobiome poses a health threat to fish

Sewage-contaminated water is even more harmful for wildlife than previously thought. "Decaying fish can act as a sink for the spread of harmful bacteria to scavenging fish and birds. Fish caught in areas downstream of effluent ...

Video: 'Good bacteria' make diseases less deadly

In a new paper published in the journal Nature Communications, Oxford DPhil student Suzanne Ford from the Department of Zoology shows how the use of 'good bacteria' – or defensive microbes – could help fight diseases.

Contact killing of Salmonella by human faecal bacteria

Our gut is home to trillions of bacteria, numbering more than the cells in the rest of our body, and these bacteria help us to digest our food, absorb nutrients and strengthen our immune system. This complex bacterial ecosystem, ...

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