Study finds link between women in power, sexual harassment

Women who break the glass ceiling of professional advancement also face increased incidence of sexual harassment from coworkers and subordinates, according to new research by sociologists at the University of Maine and University ...

Females choose sexier friends to avoid harassment

( -- Scientists have observed a strategy for females to avoid unwanted male attention: choosing more attractive friends. Published today (7 December) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the study ...

Redefining sexual discrimination

verbal and nonverbal behaviors that convey insulting, hostile and degrading attitudes to women - is just as distressing for women victims as sexual advances in the workplace. According to Emily Leskinen, Lilia Cortina, and ...

Cyberbullying case brings big changes

The July sentencing of a Missouri mom convicted for her part in an Internet hoax that led to a teenager's suicide may disappoint those looking for justice.

We need to talk about the sexual abuse of scientists

The life sciences have come under fire recently with a study published in PLOS ONE that investigated the level of sexual harassment and sexual assault of trainees in academic fieldwork environments.

#MeToo surge could change society in pivotal ways, analysts say

When allegations of serial sexual misconduct by movie mogul Harvey Weinstein broke in October, they triggered an intense national reckoning over sexual harassment and assault in the workplace and beyond. In the weeks since, ...

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