Apple smartphones gaining on Samsung in US

Apple narrowed the gap with Samsung smartphones in the precious US market in the months before the release of the hot-selling iPhone 5 model, industry tracker comScore reported on Tuesday.

China Mobile in talks with Apple over iPhone

China Mobile, the world's biggest mobile operator by subscribers, said Wednesday the company is in talks with Apple to offer the popular iPhone to its users in the Asian nation.

Smartphones taking over US market: study

Nearly half of US mobile phone owners have smartphones, with adoption of Internet-linked handsets rocketing in the past year, according to findings released on Thursday by the Nielsen research firm.

China smartphone market 'to overtake US'

China is set to be the biggest smartphone market this year after shipments in the second-half of 2011 outstripped the US, a technology research firm said.

Sony Ericsson profits down in 3rd quarter

Mobile phone maker Sony Ericsson posted a break-even third quarter Friday - blaming the drop in earnings on higher taxes and lower margins - and announced that it is shifting its entire portfolio to smartphones next year.

Taiwan's HTC unveils Windows 'Mango' handsets

Taiwan's leading smartphone maker HTC on Wednesday unveiled its first mobile phones using Microsoft's much-anticipated software platform "Mango" after Apple launched its latest iPhone.

Google says India Internet users to triple

Google expects India's Internet users to triple by 2014 as telecom carriers invest in high-speed wireless infrastructure and smartphones become cheaper, a report said Friday.

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