Toshiba launches portable fuel-cell for mobiles

( -- For people fed up with their mobile telephone or iPod batteries running out, Japan's Toshiba Corp. announced Thursday the launch of a portable fuel-cell that can power up digital gadgets on the move.

Gadget charger harnesses walking power

A US company has come up with a baton-shaped device that charges gadgets using power generated by walking, hiking or running.

Mobile Internet forcing computers to evolve

The shift to smartphones and tablets became a landslide this year, crushing desire for laptop computers and pressuring manufacturers to adapt to the mobile Internet era.

Mobile Flash can't die soon enough

Somewhere Steve Jobs must be smiling. As you may have heard, Adobe last week admitted defeat in its long-running battle with Apple over Adobe's Flash technology. As Apple's CEO, the late Jobs barred Flash from Apple's iPhone ...

Smartphones wallets going mainstream: survey

Using smartphones or tablets as digital "wallets" will be common within a decade, largely replacing cash and credit cards, according to a Pew Research survey released on Tuesday.

Yahoo! banks on mobile devices for future growth

Yahoo! is banking on mobile devices for future growth -- particularly in Asia -- as consumers leapfrog cumbersome computers to access the Internet via feature-packed handheld gadgets.

Google-Samsung relationship profitable but could change

The world's leading smartphone maker managed to spotlight a youthful tap-dancer, Broadway actors and plenty of lame jokes during an hourlong event to show off its latest high-end gadget - but there was barely a mention of ...

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