FDA approves drug for cats with allergic skin disease

Cats constantly licking and chewing because of a skin condition called feline allergic dermatitis may benefit from a new generic treatment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Here today, gone tomorrow: How humans lost their body hair

Orangutans, mice, and horses are covered with it, but humans aren't. Why we have significantly less body hair than most other mammals has long remained a mystery. But a first-of-its-kind comparison of genetic codes from 62 ...

Creating a better wig with chemistry

For some people, wigs are a fun and colorful fashion accessory, but for those with hair loss from alopecia or other conditions, they can provide a real sense of normalcy and boost self-confidence. Whether made from human ...

One step closer to creating new hair follicles

In a new study, Yale researchers take a unique approach to identify the molecular signals that induce a critical trigger for hair follicle formation and regeneration.

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