Hackers train sights on Yemen after Egypt

The loose-knit group of online global hackers known as "Anonymous" has trained its sights on Yemen following cyber attacks on government websites in Tunisia and Egypt.

British arrests over cyber group 'Anonymous'

British police arrested five people Thursday as part of an investigation into cyber attacks by the online group "Anonymous", which last year assailed websites that were hostile to WikiLeaks.

S. Korean hackers trade cyber blows with N. Korea

Computer hackers from South and North Korea are waging an apparent propaganda battle in cyberspace, less than two months after their militaries traded artillery fire across the tense sea border.

Dutch police arrest second teenager for hacking

Dutch police arrested a 19-year-old on suspicion of hacking a government website, the second teenage arrest for cyber attacks linked to the WikiLeaks fallout, prosecutors said on Saturday.

Dutch police investigate apparent hacker attack

(AP) -- Police said Friday they are investigating if hackers were responsible for taking down websites of police and prosecutors in the Netherlands after the arrest of a 16-year-old for involvement in a cyberattack on several ...

WikiLeaks switches to Swiss domain after attacks

(AP) -- WikiLeaks was forced Friday to switch over to a Swiss domain name, wikileaks.ch, after a new round of hacker attacks on its system prompted its American domain name provider to withdraw service.

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