How to hide Earth from ET? Massive lasers

The fate of humanity if aliens were to discover Earth with its balmy climate and bountiful resources, has long been a concern for scientists—many of whom fear the worst.

Search for alien signals expands to 20,000 star systems

The search for radio signals from alien worlds is expanding to 20,000 star systems that were previously considered poor targets for intelligent extraterrestrial life, US researchers said Wednesday.

Map of rocky exoplanet reveals a lava world

An international team of astronomers, led by the University of Cambridge, has obtained the most detailed 'fingerprint' of a rocky planet outside our solar system to date, and found a planet of two halves: one that is almost ...

In search of new Earths and life in the Universe

Twenty years ago, in Geneva, PhD student Didier Queloz discovered a planet orbiting another sun – something that astronomers had predicted, but never found. Today he continues his terra hunting for extreme worlds and Earth ...

Reflections on the habitability of Earth

We know the Earth is habitable because—well, here we are. But would it look like a good candidate for life from hundreds of light-years away?

The aliens are silent because they're dead

Life on other planets would likely be brief and become extinct very quickly, say astrobiologists from The Australian National University (ANU).

Nitrogen may be a sign of habitability

We might commonly think of Earth as having an oxygen-dominated atmosphere, but in reality the molecule makes up only a fifth of our air. Most of what surrounds us is nitrogen, at 78 percent. Astrobiologists are beginning ...

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