Guppies found to be susceptible to optical illusions

A team of researchers working at the University of Padova, in Italy, has found that like humans and many other animals, guppies are susceptible to optical illusions. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, ...

Male fish can thank genes for colourful looks

Striking traits seen only in males of some species – such as colourful peacock feathers or butterfly wings – are partly explained by gene behaviour, research suggests.

An evolutionary heads-up—the brain size advantage

A larger brain brings better cognitive performance. And so it seems only logical that a larger brain would offer a higher survival potential. In the course of evolution, large brains should therefore win out over smaller ...

Aphrodisiac for fish and frogs discovered

A supplement simply added to water has been shown to boost reproduction in nematodes (roundworms), molluscs, fish and frogs – and researchers believe it could work for humans too.

Guppies and sexual conflict? It's a genital arms race

( —It's not always easy to tell if a fish is male or female: they look more or less the same. But there are exceptions, such as guppies and, as with humans, guppy genitalia varies in size across the species.

Fish prone to melanoma get DNA decoded

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and elsewhere have decoded the genome of the platyfish, a cousin of the guppy and a popular choice for home aquariums. Among scientists, the fish are meticulously ...

Bisexual fish boost mating chances

In an unusual mating strategy, hard-up males of a tiny, promiscuous fish species engage in homosexual acts in a bid to entice females to copulate with them, a study said Wednesday.

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