BP settlement over US spill will not end legal drama

Oil giant BP's agreement of a $7.8 billion settlement for victims of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill will not end its legal headaches or erase the disaster for some US southern coast residents.

Study shows how climate change threatens health

Researchers at Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) and the University of Washington have published a new study focused on the public health implications of climate change. The article explores ...

12% of marine species in tropical Eastern Pacific threatened

Twelve percent of marine species surveyed in the Gulf of California, the coasts of Panama and Costa Rica and the five offshore oceanic islands and archipelagos in the tropical eastern Pacific are threatened with extinction, ...

Oil-eating microbe communities a mile deep in the Gulf

The Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20, 2010, caused the largest marine oil spill in history, with several million barrels of crude oil released into the Gulf of Mexico over the course of three months. Soon after the ...

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