Gulf of Mexico marine food web changes over the decades

Scientists in the Gulf of Mexico now have a better understanding of how naturally-occurring climate cycles—as well as human activities—can trigger widespread ecosystem changes that ripple through the Gulf food web and ...

Lessons learned from oil rig disaster

When interviewed by the BBC, the now retired BP boss Tony Hayward admitted to his company's insufficient response to the Deepwater Horizon rig accident in the Gulf of Mexico. Could the company have been better prepared for ...

Thai navy deployed to fight oil spill

Thai naval vessels joined efforts Sunday to stop hundreds of barrels of oil from a pipeline leak in the Gulf of Thailand reaching the kingdom's beaches.

Gulf of Mexico fishing ban extended

US officials Tuesday expanded a fishing ban in the Gulf of Mexico by more than 8,000 square miles (20,000 square kilometers) amid a spreading oil slick.

NASA watching 2 areas in the Caribbean, 1 is a rainmaker

There are two low pressure areas in the Caribbean Sea for future development into tropical cyclones, although the chances are near zero for one, and minimal for the other. The GOES-13 satellite has been following the life ...

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