Scientists find changes to Gulf of Mexico dead zone

NOAA-supported scientists have found this year's Gulf of Mexico dead zone to be the fifth largest on record at 7,722 square miles - an area the size of New Jersey, near the upper limit of their projections, but tropical storm ...

Huge pool of Arctic fresh water could cool Europe

British scientists have discovered an enormous dome of fresh water in the western Arctic Ocean. They think it may result from strong Arctic winds accelerating a great clockwise ocean circulation called the Beaufort Gyre, ...

Estimating How Much Oil The Gulf Spill Released

Official government estimates now say that around 27,000 barrels of oil per day have been pouring out of the damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico since the leak began. This estimate comes from the report of the Flow Rate Technical ...

Scientists: Gulf health nearly at pre-spill level

(AP) -- Scientists judge the overall health of the Gulf of Mexico as nearly back to normal one year after the BP oil spill, but with glaring blemishes that restrain their optimism about nature's resiliency, an Associated ...

Whales feel the (sun)burn

Whales have been shown to increase the pigment in their skin in response to sunshine, just as we get a tan.

Uncommon dolphin repeatedly spotted in northern Adriatic

A dolphin species considered regionally extinct in the Adriatic has been spotted there repeatedly off the Italian and Slovenian coast, according to research led by a marine scientist at the University of St Andrews.

Deadly heat waves could hit South Asia this century: study

In South Asia, a region of deep poverty where one-fifth of the world's people live, new research suggests that by the end of this century climate change could lead to summer heat waves with levels of heat and humidity that ...

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