Life in Antarctic lake? It's everywhere else

If scientists find microbes in a frigid lake two miles beneath the thick ice of Antarctica, it will illustrate once again that somehow life finds a way to survive in the strangest and harshest places.

Robotic boats to travel across Pacific Ocean

( -- Last Thursday, November 17, four unmanned Wave Gliders left the coast of San Francisco and began a 300-day journey across the Pacific Ocean. The vehicles, which are self-propelled and remotely piloted, will ...

Philippine town claims world's largest croc title

A small Philippine town on Wednesday laid claim to having the world's largest captive crocodile after an Australian expert measured the saltwater beast at more than six metres.

Monster crocodile gets own park in Philippines

A monster crocodile which is reputedly the world's largest is the star attraction at its own nature park which opened in the Philippines this weekend, weeks after the beast's capture.

Aussie croc named biggest in captivity

An Australian crocodile called Cassius Clay was on Thursday declared the biggest in captivity by Guinness World Records, although his reign may be brief after reports of a rival giant emerged.

Tree-planting world record set in Philippines

Philippine environmentalists have set a world record for the most trees planted simultaneously, kickstarting an enormous reforesteration programme, organisers said Thursday.

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