Study suggests how mosquitoes evolved an attraction to human scent

The female mosquitoes that spread dengue and yellow fever didn't always rely on human blood to nourish their eggs. Their ancestors fed on furrier animals in the forest. But then, thousands of years ago, some of these bloodsuckers ...

Subordinate animals as guinea pigs

Subordinate animals must face higher risks than dominant ones Dominant meerkat females yield to their subaltern group members when faced with a dangerous obstacle: as a group of these animals reaches a road, a "guinea pig" ...

Small winners in the mammalian race to evolve

It takes at least 10 times as many generations for a mouse to reach elephantine proportions as for the reverse transition, reveals a vast study of mammalian evolution over the past 70 million years.

Laser-powered 'needle' promises pain-free injections

From annual flu shots to childhood immunizations, needle injections are among the least popular staples of medical care. Though various techniques have been developed in hopes of taking the "ouch" out of injections, hypodermic ...

Planet of the Apes: Furry mammals evolved a tuned spin dry

When a wet dog shakes himself dry, he does something amazing. He hits just the right rhythm to maximize the drying effect with minimal effort. The seemingly casual jiggle imparts enough centrifugal force to expel 70 percent ...

Research shows rats have best bite of rodent world

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that mice and rats have evolved to gnaw with their front teeth and chew with their back teeth more successfully than rodents that 'specialise' in one or other of these ...

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