Renewable energy and the fight over Guatemalan rivers

One morning last year, Santiago (not his real name), a campesino (peasant farmer) who grows corn and mangoes in southwestern Guatemala, left his home with a plan to engage in industrial sabotage.

Guatemala warily monitors erupting volcano

Guatemalan authorities Monday warily monitored the eruption of a volcano near its capital that spewed columns of ash up to seven kilometers (four miles) high.

Communities flee eruption at Guatemala's Volcano of Fire

About 4,000 residents fled Guatemala's Volcano of Fire Monday as red-hot rock and ash spewed into the sky and cascaded down the slopes toward an area devastated by a deadly eruption earlier this year.

Studying mini earthquakes provides clues to volcanic behavior

( —Open vent volcanoes constantly pop with small eruptions, causing low-level, low-frequency earthquakes. These are not the big high-profile earthquakes that come from the slip of a fault line, resulting in widespread ...

Image: Fires in the Yucatan Peninsula

Dozens of red hot spots cluster at the tip of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. To the south, fires also speckle the neck of the Yucatan, Guatemala, and Belize. Each hot spot, which appears as a red mark, is an area where the thermal ...

Guatemala volcano eruption draws tourists

(AP)—The eruption of the long-simmering Volcan del Fuego terrified nearby villagers but it has become a major draw for visitors in the nearby colonial city of Antigua.

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