News about a plant hormone

Jasmonic acid gives the plant Jasminum grandiflorum its characteristic odor and is used in the cosmetics and perfume industries. Plants wounded by things like chewing herbivores produce jasmonic acid as a defense signal, ...

Why cereal crops are better

Cereal crops are much more drought-tolerant than other plants. Researchers from Würzburg have now found out why that is so. Their insight could help breed crops that are more resistant to drought.

An amino acid controls plants' breath

Plants breathe and "sweat" through stomata, microscopic pores found on leaves, stems and other plant organs. Through the stomata, plants take up carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and breathe out the products of this process, ...

Genome evolution and carbon dioxide dynamics

Using the size of guard cells in fossil plants to predict how much DNA each cell contained (the genome size), researchers have discovered that variations in genome sizes over geological time correlate with atmospheric carbon ...

On guard against drought

Identification of a gene that helps plants to conserve water under drought conditions will bring biologists closer to understanding how plants tolerate drought. Researchers, led by Takashi Kuromori at Japan's RIKEN Plant ...

A new transporter gene that regulates plant transpiration

When plants feel stress from a lack of water, they close their epidermal pores, or stomata, to prevent water loss via transpiration. Each stoma is flanked by a pair of guard cells, which change shape to close or open stomata ...

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