Glacial microclimates mimic climate change

A cool pocket climate around the snout of a glacier could help researchers predict how forests will respond to fast climate change, according to the authors of a new 120-year case study of a rapidly advancing and retreating ...

Where North meets South in the sea

( -- The Atlantic Ocean off Nova Scotia ... and off Florida. Along some 2,000 miles, its waters go from icy to steamy. Can a marine species live in both temperatures--and everywhere in between?

Watching nanoparticles grow

( —Individual silver nanoparticles in solutions typically grow through single atom attachment, but importantly, when they reach a certain size they can link with other particles, according to scientists at Pacific ...

Solved: Mystery of marine nitrogen cycling in shelf waters

Nitrogen cycling in shelf waters is crucial to reduce surplus nutrients, which rivers pour out into the ocean. Yet this process is poorly understood. Scientists from Bremen have now found answers to a longstanding mystery ...

New study challenges some dogmas about marine microbial life

If scientists want to find out how fast a population of bacteria grows, they often measure how their cell count changes over time. However, this method has a major flaw: it does not measure how fast the bacteria multiply ...

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