US economy: Steady as she goes

America's economy will hum along its path of moderate growth, adding 4.7 million jobs through the end of next year, say University of Michigan economists.

Jekyll and Hyde corals tell different warming story

( —Like the rings of a tree trunk, Strontium-to-calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) in coral skeletons have been widely used to determine past ocean temperatures from yearly banded corals. However, scientists have now found ...

World population not likely to stabilize at 10 billion people

Projections suggesting the world human population will stop growing around 10 billion people at the end of this century are improbable, according to new research by SFI Postdoctoral Fellow Marcus Hamilton and collaborators.

Researchers find faster population growth in Virginia cities

Population growth in Virginia outpaced the nation, with highly varied growth across localities, according to the most recent official annual population estimates for the state developed by demographers from the University ...

Consumer confidence plunges in December

(—Confidence plunged in December as consumers confronted the rising likelihood that political gridlock would push the country over the fiscal cliff.

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