Did teenage 'tyrants' outcompete other dinosaurs?

Paleo-ecologists from The University of New Mexico and at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have demonstrated that the offspring of enormous carnivorous dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex may have fundamentally re-shaped ...

Climate impacts drive east-west divide in forest seed production

Younger, smaller trees that comprise much of North America's eastern forests have increased their seed production under climate change, but older, larger trees that dominate forests in much of the West have been less responsive, ...

Forests go into growth 'overdrive' to recover from drought

One in 12 people could face severe drought every year by 2100, according to a recent study. And water stored on two-thirds of the Earth's land surface will shrink as the climate warms. As plant ecologists, we're concerned ...

New theory for how snowflakes grow

Scientists have discovered what drives the delicate and complex microcosm of tiny terraces, pyramids and craters found on the surface of ice. These miniature structures, hidden beneath a thin premelting layer of water, develop ...

Can we get along? Resilience can help promote civil discourse

For a variety of reasons 2020 has been stressful, frightening, and just plain exhausting. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, some of us have lost loved ones. Many are working from home, and others are unemployed. Wildfires ...

How bacteria adapt their machinery for optimum growth

The most important components for the functioning of a biological cell are its proteins. As a result, protein production is arguably the most important process for cell growth. The faster the bacterial growth rate, the faster ...

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