New 3D-printing ink could make cultured meat more cost-effective

Cultured meat (also known as cell-based or lab-grown meat) is a promising, more environmentally friendly alternative to meat produced from traditional livestock farming. However, production costs are still high and need to ...

Scientists bring cultured meat closer to your kitchen table

Researchers at UCLA have created an edible particle that helps make lab-grown meat, known as cultured meat, with more natural muscle-like texture using a process that could be scaled up for mass production.

Using diamonds to recharge civilian drones in flight

A small lab-grown diamond measuring a few millimeters per side could one day enable civilian drones to be recharged in mid-flight through a laser. Thanks to the diamond, the laser beam can remain strong enough over a long ...

Moringa, the next superfood

There's nothing super-looking about moringa. It's skinny and sparse in foliage. Its fragile branches sprout puny white flowers and droop with long twisted pods knobby with seeds. But if plants were superheroes, then moringa ...

Consumers aren't necessarily sold on 'cultured meat'

It's been a busy summer for food-based biotech. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration made headlines when it approved the plant-based "Impossible Burger," which relies on an ingredient from genetically modified yeast for ...

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