Video rentals top sales for first time since 2000

(AP) -- Americans spent more money renting home movies than buying them in the second quarter, marking only the second time that's happened in the DVD era. The big switch in consumer behavior shows the rising popularity ...

The threat of gossip can rein in selfishness

Gossip can be hurtful, unproductive, and mean. It can also be an important part of making sure that people will share and cooperate, according to a study in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science.

A model system for group behavior of nanomachines

For the casual observer it is fascinating to watch the orderly and seemingly choreographed motion of hundreds or even thousands of fish, birds or insects. However, the formation and the manifold motion patterns of such flocks ...

Exploring reactions to inequality

When primates don’t get the same rewards as their peers, they often refuse them. A Georgia State University researcher is exploring why this reaction happens, and how reactions to inequality have evolved in related species, ...

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