A single hair shows researchers what a bear has been eating

U.S. and Canadian researchers have found they can get a good idea of a grizzly bear's diet over several months by looking at a single hair. The technique, which measures residues of trace metals, can be a major tool in determining ...

Bringing a justice lens to wildlife management

Almost all of the world's 31 largest carnivore species, including gray wolves, grizzly bears, cheetahs and lions, have been impacted by human development and activity. Most of these animals have seen their range and populations ...

US: Warming imperils wolverines (Update)

The tenacious wolverine, a snow-loving carnivore sometimes called the "mountain devil," is being added to the list of species threatened by climate change—a dubious distinction that puts it in the ranks of the polar bear ...

That's farm salmon on your plate

Some of the earliest written accounts of the legal protection of salmon and their spawning grounds date back to Richard the Lionheart (1189 – 1199), the King of England, who decreed that rivers and streams should have a ...

Studying grizzly bears' picnic

Armed with a coffee grinder and a lot of questions, a University of Alberta graduate student is uncovering the mysteries of a humble root that is vital to grizzly bear survival.

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