Greenpeace activists arrested after Sweden protest

(AP) -- Swedish police on Thursday arrested six Greenpeace activists after they boarded an icebreaker off Sweden's southeast coast, forcing authorities to tow the ship it back into land. pressed for clean 'cloud'

Activists rappelled down a Seattle office building Thursday to get Microsoft and to use clean energy to power datacenters running services based in the Internet "cloud."

Amazon, Apple, Twitter score low on clean energy: study

Amazon, Apple and Twitter were graded poorly Tuesday in a Greenpeace study of technology titans' use of clean energy to power the mushrooming Internet cloud, but Facebook, Google and Yahoo! won praise.

Chilean court approves huge Patagonia dam

Chile's Supreme Court Wednesday removed the last legal obstacle to building a giant $2.9 billion hydroelectric complex in the Patagonian wilderness, rejecting a bid by environmentalists to block it.

Indonesia land clearance 'wiping out' orangutans

Critically-endangered orangutans in a protected area of Indonesia will be wiped out by the end of the year if land clearing is not stopped, a coalition of environmental groups warned Wednesday.

Greenpeace finds pollution from Italy cruise ship wreck

Greenpeace on Friday warned that chemicals from a cruise ship wreck were oozing into the sea around Italy's picturesque Giglio Island but the environment ministry said the levels were not "significant".

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