Cities under pressure

Cities to swelter as planners face unenviable trade-off between tackling climate change and quality of life, new research has shown.

Providing nature-based solutions for landscape sustainability

There is growing recognition that bringing more natural features and processes to cities could help tackle climate change, support economic growth and enhance human well-being. Nature-based solutions like green roofs and ...

Trees contribute to cleaner air in cities

Air pollution levels vary greatly between different places in Gothenburg. This is the finding of a new study led by researchers at the University of Gothenburg, which concludes that trees contribute to cleaner air in cities.

Germany wants automakers to pay up as more diesel bans loom

The German government is putting pressure on the country's automakers to fix their diesel cars that have excessive emissions, in a bid to placate drivers angered by the prospect of diesel driving bans in major cities.

Smog-plagued Warsaw to limit access by car, coal heating

Authorities in smog-plagued Warsaw revealed plans Wednesday to further limit car access to the city center, cut down on coal heating in private homes and expand green areas in a drive to improve the city's air quality.

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