Expert urges caution on Great Lakes water diversion plan

A plan in Wisconsin to divert drinking water outside of the Great Lakes basin appears sound, but it could set a dangerous precedent, says Joseph F. Atkinson, director of the Great Lakes Program at the University at Buffalo.

$4 million in US projects aim to protect sage grouse habitat

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on Wednesday announced more than $4 million in projects in four states as part of a wildfire-fighting strategy to protect a wide swath of intermountain West sagebrush country that supports ...

Firefighting plan aims to protect Western habitat

U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell has released the initial plan for a new wildfire-fighting strategy to protect a wide swath of intermountain West sagebrush country that supports cattle ranching and is home to a struggling ...

Fecal transplants let packrats eat poison

Woodrats lost their ability to eat toxic creosote bushes after antibiotics killed their gut microbes. Woodrats that never ate the plants were able to do so after receiving fecal transplants with microbes from creosote-eaters, ...

Long-standing climate paradox resolved

( —Climate scientists have long documented the strong control of Earth's orbital variations on the waxing and waning of the great ice ages, when huge "pluvial" lakes filled the valley floors of the Great Basin. ...

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