By the light of January's Wolf Moon

( -- A cold-eyed moon rises above Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park. It is January. For Native Americans, it is the time of the Wolf Moon.

2 gray wolves captured and collared in Northern California

Two members of California's small but rebounding gray wolf population have been located and given tracking collars, bolstering the state's conservation efforts, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced Friday.

Isle Royale wolves may go extinct

Isle Royale National Park's gray wolves, one of the world's most closely monitored predator populations, are at their lowest ebb in more than a half-century and could die out within a few years, scientists said Friday.

Motion to bar Montana, Idaho wolf hunts denied

(AP) -- A federal appeals court on Thursday denied a request by environmental groups to halt wolf hunts that are scheduled to begin next week in Idaho and Montana.

Is hunting wolves key to their conservation?

Hunters have been credited with being strong conservation advocates for numerous game species in multiple countries. Would initiating a wolf hunt invoke the same advocacy for the carnivores?

Gray wolf personality research uses puzzle boxes, rain sticks

Researchers using puzzle boxes, rain sticks and papier-mâché balls are studying captive gray wolves at the Oakland Zoo and the California Wolf Center to evaluate personality and problem-solving skills of the endangered ...

Judge upholds protection for gray wolves in California

A California judge on Monday upheld protection for gray wolves under the state's Endangered Species Act, rejecting a legal challenge from ranchers and farmers who fear the predators will threaten their livestock.

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