Related topics: albert einstein · black holes · neutron stars

In an era of team science, are Nobels out of step?

With the 2020 Nobel prizes this week comes a recurrent question: has the world's most prestigious awards for physics, chemistry and medicine—first conferred in 1901—lost touch with the way modern science is conducted?

Detection of gravitational wave 'lensing' could be some way off

Gravitational wave scientists looking for evidence of "lensing," in which the faintest gravitational wave signals become amplified, are unlikely to make these detections in the near future according to new analysis by scientists ...

Cosmic X-rays reveal a distinct signature of black holes

An international team of astrophysicists has found distinctive signatures of black hole event horizons, unmistakably separating them from neutron stars, which are objects comparable to black holes in mass and size but confined ...

METISSE offers new insights into the lives of massive stars

Massive stars are those larger than about 10 times the mass of the sun and are born far less often than their low-mass counterparts. However, they contribute the most to the evolution of star clusters and galaxies. Massive ...

Gravity wave insights from internet-beaming balloons

Giant balloons launched into the stratosphere to beam internet service to Earth have helped scientists measure tiny ripples in our upper atmosphere, uncovering patterns that could improve weather forecasts and climate models.

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