Related topics: albert einstein · black holes · neutron stars

Astrophysicists theorize a new type of neutron star

A pair of researchers, one with Manly Astrophysics, the other with Universidad de Murcia, has proposed the existence of a new type of neutron star. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, Arthur Suvorov ...

Moon's orbit proposed as a gravitational wave detector

Researchers from the UAB, IFAE and University College London propose using the variations in distance between the Earth and the moon, which can be measured with a precision of less than a centimeter, as a new gravitational ...

The unfolding story of a kilonova told in X-rays

Astronomers may have detected a "sonic boom" from a powerful blast known as a kilonova. This event was seen in GW170817, a merger of two neutron stars and the first object detected in both gravitational waves and electromagnetic ...

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