Related topics: albert einstein · black holes · neutron stars

The universe may have started with a dark Big Bang

The Big Bang may have not been alone. The appearance of all the particles and radiation in the universe may have been joined by another Big Bang that flooded our universe with dark matter particles. And we may be able to ...

Researchers reveal disturbances of Tonga volcanic eruption

Recently, a team led by Prof. Lei Jiuhou from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the collaborators revealed the notable evidence of the dramatic thermospheric disturbances ...

NASA to launch Israel's first space telescope

NASA will launch Israel's first space telescope mission, the Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT). ULTRASAT, an ultraviolet observatory with a large field of view, will investigate the secrets of short-duration ...

Physicists create new model of ringing black holes

When two black holes collide into each other to form a new bigger black hole, they violently roil spacetime around them, sending ripples, called gravitational waves, outward in all directions. Previous studies of black hole ...

Astrophysicists discover the perfect explosion in space

When neutron stars collide they produce an explosion that is, contrary to what was believed until recently, shaped like a perfect sphere. Although how this is possible is still a mystery, the discovery may provide a new key ...

Ripples in fabric of universe may reveal start of time

Scientists have advanced in discovering how to use ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves to peer back to the beginning of everything we know. The researchers say they can better understand the state of the cosmos ...

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