A 'thank you' goes a long way in family relationships

You've probably heard that cultivating gratitude can boost your happiness. But in marriage and families, it's not just about being more grateful for your loved ones—it's also important to feel appreciated by them. Researchers ...

Study shows the power of 'thank you' for couples

Gratitude has been a trendy sentiment in recent years—sparking an industry of journals, knickknacks and T-shirts touting thankfulness as a positive force in individuals' lives.

Researchers publish novel study of gratitude in online communities

Published in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Senior Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction, Dr. Stephann Makri and his colleague Sophie Turner, offer a model of gratitude in online communities—the ...

Gratitude in buyer-seller relationships

Emotions are contagious. They are experienced by and affect the actions of both parties in buyer-seller exchanges. As a result, one emotion in particular, gratitude, elicits perceptions of an undeserved or unearned positive ...

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Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling, emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. The experience of gratitude has historically been a focus of several world religions, and has been considered extensively by moral philosophers such as Adam Smith. The systematic study of gratitude within psychology only began around the year 2000, possibly because psychology has traditionally been focused more on understanding distress rather than understanding positive emotions. However, with the advent of the positive psychology movement, gratitude has become a mainstream focus of psychological research. The study of gratitude within psychology has focused on the understanding of the short term experience of the emotion of gratitude (state gratitude), individual differences in how frequently people feel gratitude (trait gratitude), and the relationship between these two aspects.

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