Music in the digital age

The evo­lu­tion of tech­nology has changed the way we listen to our favorite songs and interact with music. Apple, for example, recently announced plans to launch a custom-​​radio ser­vice. Pop star Justin Bieber ...

Key to Netflix's future: better recommendations

(AP) -- Netflix executives John Ciancutti and Todd Yellin are trying to create a video-recommendation system that knows you better than an old friend. It's a critical mission as Netflix faces pressure from its Internet video ...

Memo to big box retailers: Goodwill has a shelf life

Big box retailers may have had the secret to combatting online retailers all along: instant gratification. A new study from Columbia Business School that is published in the Journal of Consumer Research warns that the positive ...

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Gratification is the pleasurable emotional reaction of happiness in response to a fulfillment of a desire or goal.

Gratification, like all emotions, is a motivator of behavior and thus plays a role in the entire range of human social systems.

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