Exploring the air we breathe

Melbourne Pollen—a service at the University of Melbourne's School of BioSciences that forecasts the level of grass pollen and several other types of pollen in the air—has been looking at what's in Melbourne's air for ...

How grasses avoid inbreeding

Corn, rice, wheat, sugar cane—the grass family contains a number of species that are important food sources for humans and have been bred and cultivated for millennia. Wild and farm animals, too, depend heavily on grasses ...

Polarity proteins shape efficient 'breathing' pores in grasses

Grasses have "respiratory pores" (called stomata) that open and close to regulate the uptake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis on the one hand and water loss through transpiration on the other. Unlike many other plants, ...

What type of grass is best for beef cattle?

On average, Americans eat more than 50 pounds of beef each year (according to USDA estimates). But what do beef cattle eat? In the eastern United States, beef cattle often eat tall fescue, a "cool-season" grass. As the name ...

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