Nutrition information... for cows?

We have it easier than cows. When we want to know how much fat, sodium, or carbohydrates are in the food we are eating, we can usually check the nutrition label on the food's package. But cows haven't had access to detailed ...

Agroforestry helps farmers branch out

Imagine an agriculture field. Most are planted with row upon row of tidy cash crops. Now imagine that same field with rows of trees between the rows of crops. This forested field concept is called alley cropping. Alley cropping ...

The promise of more productive pasture grasses

The grass might be greener on the other side, but otherwise people don't pay much attention to how it grows. And yet some two thirds of Switzerland's agricultural land comprises meadows and pastures. So at least in economic ...

A new resource to help manage billbugs in turfgrass

Billbugs, a type of weevil that is found from southern Canada to Mexico as well as parts of the Caribbean, are a major pest of turfgrass, a crop that brings in tens of billions of dollars in annual revenues. A new article ...

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