AI analyzes cell movement under the microscope

The enormous amount of data obtained by filming biological processes using a microscope has previously been an obstacle for analyses. Using artificial intelligence (AI), researchers at the University of Gothenburg can now ...

A new paradigm of material identification based on graph theory

Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) and National Materials Genome Project have been launched by American and Chinese government in the past decade. One of the major goals of these missions is to facilitate the identification ...

Social networking for terrorists

A new approach to analyzing social networks, reported in the current issue of the International Journal of Services Sciences, could help homeland security find the covert connections between the people behind terrorist attacks. ...

Plotting Pokemon Go's success

Since the popular game came out this past summer, the number of videos about it on YouTube has skyrocketed. In a demonstration of the incredible power of network modeling, Kirell Benzi, a PhD student at EPFL, catalogued them ...

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