Protein complex protects bacteria from osmotic stress

Everyone can use a little stress relief, even bacteria. Now, researchers from Japan have found that a bacterial nanomachine with an unusual cellular location can protect cells from stressful environments.

Veterinarians identify problems in cats with dysbacteriosis

RUDN veterinarians studied how the intestinal microbiota in cats changes during dysbacteriosis. The patterns obtained will help to make a more accurate diagnosis and select an adequate treatment. The results are published ...

Natto: A bacteria-fighting, all-natural probiotic

It's sticky. It's stinky. It's good for you. Natto has been a Japanese staple for generations. But why has this dish made of fermented soybeans been gracing the tables in Japan for so long? While the answer may vary depending ...

Unique strain of lactic acid bacteria in Buryat milk is found

Scientists from the Microbiology Department of the Faculty of Biology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University have discovered a new strain of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that could be promising as a biopreservative for food ...

How cells take out the trash—phosphoarginine deciphered

Cells never forget to take out the trash. It has long been known that cells tag proteins for degradation by labelling them with ubiquitin, a signal described as "the molecular kiss of death". Tim Clausen's group at the Research ...

Scientists explore the action mechanism of a new antibiotic

Scientists from Skoltech and MSU have investigated antibiotic nybomycin that could prove effective against bacteria resistant to other antibiotics. Their research was published in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Does Agion silver technology work as an antimicrobial?

The antibacterial effectiveness of Agion silver zeolite technology was tested on door handles across the Penn State Erie campus and after four years of sampling, a significant difference was observed between the bacterial ...

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