Shared modeling can help schools predict, avert dropouts

A research team co-led by Cornell found that for schools without the resources to conduct learning analytics to help students succeed, modeling based on data from other institutions can work as well as local modeling, without ...

Confirming the safety of genetically edited allergen-free eggs

Researchers have developed a chicken egg that may be safe for people with egg white allergies. Chicken egg allergies are one of the most common allergies in children. Though most children outgrow this allergy by age 16, some ...

How the humble protist could shore up the world's food supply

Protists, a broad class of generally single-celled organisms that includes algae and amoebae, have long been regarded as a "catch-all" category for diverse microorganisms. Because of their diversity and prevalence, protists ...

Paternal incarceration complicates college plans for Black youth

Most Gen Z young people are characterized as ambitious and forward-thinking, believing all things are possible. But what if you are a teen whose father is, or has been, in prison? How does that affect your outlook on life? ...

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