What makes someone likely to be a first-gen college grad? Money.

A new study finds that first-generation college graduates are more likely to come from families that have higher incomes and more resources than families in which neither parents nor children graduate from college. The study ...

Creating fast, reliable 3D scans of flora and fauna

Reporting in Research Ideas and Outcomes, a Kyushu University researcher has developed a new technique for scanning various plants and animals and reconstructing them into highly detailed 3D models. To date, over 1,400 models ...

Time off after high school makes college less likely

Academic breaks after high school—even those lasting just a few months—can cause some students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to forgo enrolling in college altogether, according to new Cornell University ...

Will college job market continue its decade-long growth?

Despite fears about a recession, the job market is strong for college graduates—for the 10th consecutive year, according to Michigan State University's Recruiting Trends, the largest annual survey of employers in the nation.

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