Tests show wireless network could harm GPS systems

Test results filed with federal regulators Thursday show that a proposed high-speed wireless broadband network being planned by a Virginia company called LightSquared could interfere with GPS systems used for everything from ...

Supreme Court to review warrantless GPS tracking (Update)

(AP) -- The Supreme Court will weigh in on an important privacy issue for the digital age: whether the police need a warrant before using a global positioning system device to track a suspect's movements.

Wireless network outlines plans to protect GPS

LightSquared, a Virginia-based company that plans to build a nationwide wireless broadband network, is proposing to adapt its network so as not to interfere with GPS systems.

LightSquared gets extension for GPS test results

Federal regulators have granted a Virginia company called LightSquared a two-week extension to report on recent tests that aimed to determine whether its proposed high-speed wireless broadband network would cripple GPS systems ...

Tests show wireless network could jam GPS systems

New government test results show that a proposed high-speed wireless broadband network being launched by a company called LightSquared could jam GPS systems used for aviation, public safety, military operations and other ...

GPS data reveals more on mega-thrust earthquakes

(PhysOrg.com) -- New GPS data of the 2010 earthquake that devastated parts of Chile and killed over 500 people is revealing new clues about large earthquakes such as the quake in Chile and the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that ...

Planned wireless Internet network threatens GPS

A new, ultra-fast wireless Internet network is threatening to overpower GPS signals across the U.S. and interfere with everything from airplanes to police cars to consumer navigation devices.

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